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[#] Sat May 04 2024 09:01:42 EDT from Nurb432

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Cant say if i did or did not like them as i dont know, but always like pseudo competition.   Seems T mobile could not handle the partial competition and bought out mint mobile. Just like AT&T did to Cricket ( and i'm sure others )  I say pesudo competition as all these little 3rd party providers lease bandwidth from the big guys anyway, so really, they are making money without the hassle of dealing directly with customers..  *shrug*


With luck mine does not get bought out. they contract with all the main carriers so they support everything and everybody.


Not to go down the baby bell discussion, but i really hate what the current state of affairs is.   But yes, i do realize it costs TONS of cash to setup communications networks.   Looking forward to when we have quantum networking chips.  No more wires, fiber, radio, any of it. Instant communications, anywhere in the universe. ( literally ). Of course the network carriers will fight that tooth and nail to suppress that tech in any way possible.


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